two people at work

Engineering registration

Are you a first- or second-year student?

When to register for PEY Co-op

If you didn't indicate your interest in PEY Co-op when you applied for U of T Engineering and you later decide that you'd like to participate, you can still register during your studies until a specified date.

We encourage you to register earlier rather than later so you can begin your career exploration at an optimal point in your degree and have ample time to complete the required material. 

First year students can register at any point during the academic year. However, registering earlier in the year will give you sufficient time to complete the Program Agreement. There are no fees associated with the first year of PEY Co-op. 

Second year students who did not register in first year must register by a specified date. (This is usually the deadline to add new courses for the winter term of Year 2, which falls in January.) Upon registration, you'll need to complete the Program Agreement in order to access the Preparatory program in your second year of academic studies. *Please note that fees will be applied once participation in the Preparatory program begins. 

How to register

Engineering students:

  1. check the Engineering eligibility requirements
  2. fill out the PEY Co-op Program Registration Form below to begin the process.

UTM students:

  1. check the UTM eligibility requirements
  2. consult the registration information on the UTM website.

Register for the PEY Co-op Program

Welcome to the PEY Co-op Program! We look forward to working with you on your long-term career success.

  • You will need to log in to complete the form below; it's only available to those with a University of Toronto email address.
  • Before you start, double-check to see whether you are already registered in the program. You can do this by checking your ACORN Transcript or Degree Explorer account to see if you are enrolled in the PEY Co-op Subject POSt (AEINTCOOP).
  • You'll only be able to register once.
  • You will have the option to receive a copy of your responses.

If you have any questions about your enrolment in the PEY Co-op program, please email us.

Register here:

PEY Co-op Program Registration Form

Once you've registered

Once you've filled out the form above and have been registered in PEY Co-op, you can access the learning material for the first year. This consists of the Introduction to PEY Co-op, which will take approximately six to ten hours to complete. Through this learning activity, you'll get an inside look at the program and begin your career exploration.

After completing the required Program Agreement outlined in the Introduction to PEY Co-op, you'll then be eligible to progress to the Preparatory Program in your second year of studies.


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